TOOLKIT: Alcohol Awareness Month News & Events

alcohol awareness month

The month-long campaign kicks off this week with its Alcohol-Free Weekend to raise public awareness about the use of alcohol and how it may be affecting individuals, families, businesses and communities. During Alcohol-Free Weekend, NCADD extends an open invitation to all Americans vanderburgh house to engage in three alcohol-free days. If the Easter Bunny’s chocolate isn’t enough and one craves alcohol this weekend, then the council encourages people to seek help. In addition, the Rethinking Drinking website features interactive calculators as well as tips and strategies to cut down or quit drinking.

Denial in alcoholism is a real disease

Binge drinking is often thought of as a rite of passage, and many fraternities and sororities use alcohol in hazing rituals that often turn deadly. College administrations and state governments are turning to “creative prevention strategies” to address the epidemic, and Alcohol Awareness Month gives them the platform to spread the message. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol misuse, help and hope are available today. American Addiction Centers offers multiple treatment facilities throughout the U.S., all of which offer evidence-based care and highly qualified and caring staff. If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself, it’s time to rethink the role that alcohol plays in your life. NIAAA has some interactive resources to help you examine your drinking patterns further and, if needed, recognize and brain fog from alcohol search for quality care.

Lifestyle Quizzes

alcohol awareness month

Its primary goal is increasing public awareness and education about alcohol and alcohol use disorder (AUD), formerly known as “alcoholism”. If you feel you or a loved one may be struggling with alcoholism, don’t worry, you’re not alone. We understand how overwhelming it can be to consider seeking help for addiction and we’re here to take that burden off your shoulders. Our admissions navigators are available 24/7 to discuss your alcohol addiction treatment options and answer any questions you may have about the process. A big part of the work of Alcohol Awareness Month is to point out the stigma that still surrounds alcoholism and substance abuse in general. Since its inception in 1987, National Alcohol Awareness Month has saved many lives from alcohol-related deaths.

  1. Since its inception in 1987, National Alcohol Awareness Month has saved many lives from alcohol-related deaths.
  2. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) sponsors Alcohol Awareness Month, which has been observed since 1987.
  3. I also encourage you to take a close look at Rethinking Drinking and the Alcohol Treatment Navigator to learn more about AUD and how to find quality care to address it.
  4. Binge drinking puts people at risk for many short- and long-term outcomes in addition to cancer, such as injuries, violence, and stroke.

What is the ribbon color for Alcohol Awareness Month?

Some people shouldn’t drink alcohol what does sponsor mean at all, including people younger than age 21, women who are or might be pregnant, and people on certain medications. Most of us are familiar with the link between some lifestyle behaviors and cancer—like smoking or physical inactivity. But some people may be surprised that alcohol consumption is also a risk factor for cancer, and that these lifestyle factors combined contribute to as much as 40% of cancers. Given that half of U.S. adults drink alcohol, it’s important to understand how alcohol use increases the risk of cancer. With this and other National Health Observance toolkits offered on, we’ve made it easier for you to make a difference. The toolkits provide resources for organizations like schools, health care practices, and health departments to raise awareness about critical public health issues, like the health risks of drinking too much alcohol.

Alcohol Awareness Month: Rethink Your Drink

Although consuming even one drink a day increases your cancer risk, binge drinking is particularly risky. Binge drinking is consuming four drinks or more for women and five drinks or more for men on a single occasion. One in six U.S. adults binge drinks about four times a month, consuming about seven drinks per binge. Binge drinking puts people at risk for many short- and long-term outcomes in addition to cancer, such as injuries, violence, and stroke. The risk of cancer increases with the number of drinks consumed, and even one drink a day increases the risk of developing some cancers. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that if you drink alcohol at all, drink in moderation (up to 1 drink a day for women or 2 drinks a day for men).

Alcohol Awareness Month is a public health program organized by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence as a way of increasing outreach and education regarding the dangers of alcoholism and issues related to alcohol. The program was started in April 1987 with the intention of targeting college-aged students who might be drinking too much as part of their newfound freedom. It has since become a national movement to draw more attention to the causes and effects of alcoholism as well as how to help families and communities deal with drinking problems. April is Alcohol Awareness Month, an opportunity to update your knowledge about the adverse effects of alcohol misuse on health and society. It is also a good time to talk to teens about drinking and to equip them with the knowledge to handle situations involving alcohol.

Parents and other adults can make a difference in helping teens make the right decisions when it comes to alcohol and preventing underage drinking. Another strong start is to understand your key function as a role model when it comes to alcohol. Adolescents are less likely to drink heavily when the adults in their life demonstrate responsible behavior regarding their own alcohol use and when they live in homes where parents/guardians have specific rules against drinking at a young age. The NCADD encourages people to participate by wearing red ribbons, talking with kids and teens about alcohol, hosting dry parties, having conversations with friends and family about drinking, and having an alcohol-free weekend. During the month, the NCADD and other national public health organizations encourage community organizations and healthcare professionals to hold events and offer alcohol-related education materials.

As a public outreach campaign, it cultivates consciousness regarding everything from the adverse effects of alcohol and its impact on individuals and communities to alcohol use disorder prevention and treatment. In addition, for adults, the Rethinking Drinking website features interactive calculators as well as tips and strategies to cut down or quit drinking. The Alcohol Treatment Navigator walks individuals through the process of finding treatment options and recovery resources.

Even teens who would not normally be tempted to drink alcohol may be drawn in by certain social situations, so don’t assume they have all the facts they need to resist peer pressure. Parents and trusted adults can play a meaningful role in shaping youth’s attitudes toward drinking. The Council leverages traditional and social media campaigns during April to draw attention to the causes of alcoholism and the risks of alcohol dependence, and encourages people to talk about this disease. It aims to foster responsible attitudes by designating a month of candid discussions and information sharing, while reaching out to the American public via community-sponsored awareness activities and campaigns designed to prevent alcoholism. Sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), Alcohol Awareness Month encourages community organizations to host events that increase public awareness and educate people about the treatment and prevention of alcoholism. Alcohol Awareness Month aims to increase public awareness about alcohol and alcohol use disorders (AUDs).

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